There are two bills pending this legislative session that may impact our member breweries.

The first is House Bill 67. If approved, it would very simply increase the self-distribution cap from 25,000 barrels to 100,000 barrels. A version of this bill seems to run every session, but there appears to be more coverage of it this year than in year’s past.

The second bill is Senate Bill 155. Some have nicknamed this the “Brunch Bill.” SB 155 has three main functions:

  1. Distillery permit holders may sell liquor for delivery outside the state in compliance with the laws of the applicable jurisdictions;
  2. Distillery permit holders may conduct liquor tastings at public events subject to some restrictions;
  3. Counties and Cities may adopt ordinances to allow restaurants to sell alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption beginning at 10 a.m. on Sundays.

It is interesting to note that the third component only allows restaurants to be permitted to sell at 10 a.m. on Sundays.

HB 67 passed the first reading on February 9 and was referred to the House Committee on Alcoholic Beverage Control.  Rep. Chuck McGrady (District 117) is a sponsor.

SB 155 passed the first reading on March 2 and was referred to the Senate Committee on Rules and Operations.

Text of both bills can be read here:

HB67 – Full Text (PDF)

SB155 – Full Text (PDF)